We can rely on our strong expertise in the counter-drone field, combining our solution strengths with C-UAS market solutions and drone threat evolution knowledge, to offer a unique service to our customers. We can provide technical and operational consulting to define a C-UAS solution suited to your requirements.
We can accompany our customers through all project phases : specification, design, integration, operation and through-life support of your BOREADES system.
We can accompany our customers through all project phases : specification, design, integration, operation and through-life support of your BOREADES system.
We can provide our customers with :
- Consulting
- Technical expertise
- Operational expertise
- Design and delivery of customized solutions
- System integration
- Site survey
- Analysis of possible re-use of existing equipment
- Integrated Logistics Support
- System upgrade
- Test campaigns to qualify new sensors, effectors, SW treatments
- Etc.

Installation services
We can rely on skilled installation teams, who are used to work and perform installations on critical sites. We can perform installation works with a professional team.
We can offer the following services :
- Site survey
- Technical implementation study
- Pre-installation works (site preparation, cabling, etc.)
- Site deployment or installation
- System setup and calibration

We also can deliver deployable BOREADES systems, which are not necessarily assigned to a specific site. In which case we also can accompany our Customers with one-off support services, such as site survey or support to deployment if the site presents some complexity.
We offer tailored training solutions, enabling Customers to quickly master their BOREADES systems.
We usually perform hands-on training, at our Customers’ premises. This enables to offer the most comprehensive training class. We can however perform offline training for simple configurations.
Our BOREADES solutions can integrate a training mode enabling to easily perform refresher training or complex training/simulation scenarios, with limited to no need of drone targets being live operated.

Our training courses are designed for various user profiles :



Our BOREADES solutions are designed to be deployed on critical sites or sensitive events, therefore their through-life support is essential. We offer a dedicated through-life support service to our Customers, inclusive of:
- Maintenance in working conditions
- Maintenance in security conditions
Our maintenance in working conditions service includes :
- Customer technical hotline
- BOREADES software releases, including product evolution and corrections
- Hardware repairs or standard exchange
- Spare parts order

Our maintenance in security conditions service includes general security monitoring, analysis of the potential impact for BOREADES in case of an alert, and delivery of security corrections.
In particular, we are internally performing security monitoring (CERTH) for BOREADES’ hardened Operating System SEDUCS.
In particular, we are internally performing security monitoring (CERTH) for BOREADES’ hardened Operating System SEDUCS.